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Garritano Group » Steampunk Spinners

Steampunk Spinners

“Put your money where your mouth is,” they said.

And that’s exactly what we did. What better way to show off our skills than to build a brand from nothing, capitalize on an emerging trend and go from zero to $1 million in sales in twelve months. Want more stats? 43% profit, zero debt, a trademark, CE certification and one of the hottest selling products worldwide on Amazon, Ebay, Etsy AND our custom-designed e-commerce site: www.steampunkspinners.com.
All of our products were designed by Garritano Group employees, manufactured right here in Minnesota and then assembled and shipped directly from G Group headquarters.

Was it easy? No. But man, did we learn a lot along the way.

Each e-commerce platform has its own way of handling hot products, utilizing our ad dollars and attempting to throttle our growth. We fought through it, expertly leveraged social media and generated a TON of FREE press including mentions in major newspapers, top 40 radio stations and a live interview on the CBS evening news (national).

We were granted a patent on our most popular, Phat Boy™ spinner and even shut down several counterfeit Chinese manufacturers.

Today, Steampunk Spinners are still selling online, but our focus has returned fully, to helping our clients achieve similar success. And, while you probably don’t need our help with manufacturing, certification, trademark applications, accounting, legal work and logistics – isn’t nice to know we’ve been there and can understand where you are coming from?

Call us at (612) 333-3775. You’ll be surprised how much we can help.


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Copper Phat Boy™